In India, minors are individuals who are under the age of 18 years old. The question of whether or not a minor can enter into a contract in India is a question that is often asked by individuals and businesses alike. The answer, however, is not a simple yes or no.

In India, the Indian Contract Act of 1872 governs the law of contracts. According to this act, any person who is competent to contract can enter into a contract. However, in the case of minors, the act makes an exception.

Section 11 of the Indian Contract Act states that any person who is of the age of majority, which is 18 years, is competent to contract. This means that only those individuals who have attained the age of 18 years or more can enter into a contract.

In the case of minors, the law considers them to be incompetent to contract. This means that a minor cannot enter into a contract or be bound by any contractual obligations. The reason for this is that minors are not legally capable of making informed decisions or understanding the consequences of their actions.

There are, however, certain exceptions to this rule. For instance, if a minor is engaged in business, they can enter into contracts for the purpose of that business. However, this applies only to the extent of the business, and not beyond it.

Another exception to the rule is that a minor can enter into a contract if it is for their benefit. For instance, a minor can enter into a contract for education, training, or medical services. However, even in such cases, the contract is not binding on the minor, and they can repudiate it at any time before they attain the age of majority.

It is worth noting that if a minor does enter into a contract, it is not void but voidable. This means that the contract is not automatically invalid but can be made so by the minor. As such, a minor can choose to repudiate the contract before or after they attain the age of majority.

In conclusion, minors cannot enter into contracts in India, except in certain limited circumstances. If a minor does enter into a contract, it is not binding on them and can be repudiated at any time. It is essential to understand the legal implications of contracts before entering into them, particularly for minors.