Helsingborg’s Wakf Project
“If you see a man committed to the mosque then bear witness to his faith. Because Allah, the Exalted, says: The mosques are only maintained by those who have faith in Allah and the Last Day, establish prayer and give charity (At-Taubah, 9:18)”
~ Sunan At-Tirmizi
The Muslim community is an integral part of the Swedish society in Helsingborg. The steady growth of the community, however, is met with a challenge of limited communal resources. The community’s essential need for a central venue representing the Islamic faith in Helsingborg cannot be overstated. In light of this, the “Wakf” project has thus been initiated. A land of 10 000 square meters has been allocated and purchased for this project. A comprehensive plan has been put forward in order to allocate the necessary resources and complete this project by the end of August 2024. The cost of this project is estimated at 40 million Swedish Krona. Thus far, more than 20 million Swedish Krona have been collected through donations from Muslim individuals around Sweden.
How can you contribute?
Building a wakf is not an easy task. It requires time, effort, and most importantly, financial support from generous donors like you.
Your donation, no matter how small, will go a long way in helping us achieve our goal of building a new Wakf for our community. Your support will not only benefit us today, but also generations to come.
Together, let us make this dream a reality and build a beautiful and welcoming mosque for our community. Please consider donating and being a part of this noble cause.
Helsingborg’s Wakf Project
The city of Helsingborg
Helsingborg, the pearl of Scania, is a growing city located in the southern part of Sweden. Helsingborg is a home to 150,000 people from 165 countries. This diverse population have chosen to settle, start a family and contribute to the ongoing city’s growth and development. Helsingborg is rich in dedicated places for recreation, culture, business, and meetings for people with various beliefs. The Muslim community has become an integral part of the Swedish society. The steady parallel growth of the community, however, is met with the challenge of limited communal resources and facilities. The community’s essential need for a central venue representing the Islamic faith and catering to the spiritual needs and ambitions of the Muslim population in Helsingborg cannot be overstated. In light of the above, the “Wakf”1 project has thus been initiated. After a series of thorough communications with the Muslim community, the Swedish authorities have given their approval to build the Wakf. A 10 000 m2 land has been allocated and purchased for this project. This opportunity represents an ongoing dream for Helsingborg Muslims, as well as Muslims from the suburbs of the city. A comprehensive plan has been put forward in order to allocate the necessary resources and complete this project by August 2024.
Why is this important?
A new center? Do we really need it?
There are several crucial reasons why a new Islamic center is eminently needed. Most importantly:
- The accelerated increase of Muslims in the area. This increase is caused by several factors including the new migrants, second and third generation Muslims, and the newly converted Muslims who have embraced the Islamic faith.
- The limited size of the current Mosque. Current dedicated prayer area does not have enough capacity for the Friday prayer. Further, the classrooms do not have the capacity to accommodate new incoming students to the point that new families are turned away giving their children no opportunity to learn Quran and the teachings of Islam.
- The need for a center that correctly represents the Islamic faith and can harness the energy of the young Muslim youth. The lack of such centers can lead to the wrongful placement of the energy of the youth leading them to a life that negatively impacts them and the society they live in.
- The political scene in Sweden is gradually moving to the extreme right wing which threatens the existence and wellbeing of the Muslim community in Sweden. Thus, owning the buildings in which we use may secure a place for our future generations to practice their faith.
- Extreme difficulty in finding a real estate that meets the legal requirements to build an Islamic center. More than 10 options had been examined and nearly none of them met the requirements.
- Unfortunately, the current owned building will no longer be legally usable as a Mosque within two and a half years from now due to the lack of proper infrastructure.
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