When it comes to leasing a horse, it`s important to have a clear and comprehensive agreement in place. An on site horse lease agreement outlines the terms and conditions of the lease, as well as the responsibilities of both the lessee and the lessor.

One key aspect of an on site horse lease agreement is the duration of the lease. This can be a fixed term, such as six months or a year, or it can be open-ended with a termination clause that allows either party to end the lease with proper notice. The agreement should also specify the payment terms, including the amount of the lease fee and the due date for payment.

Another important consideration is the care and maintenance of the horse. The agreement should outline who is responsible for feeding, watering, and providing basic healthcare for the horse. It should also specify whether the horse will be stabled on-site or off-site, and if on-site, who is responsible for stall cleaning and other maintenance tasks.

Liability is another key aspect of an on site horse lease agreement. The agreement should include indemnification language that protects both the lessee and the lessor from any damages or injuries that may occur during the course of the lease. It should also specify who is responsible for obtaining insurance coverage for the horse and any related equipment.

Finally, an on site horse lease agreement should address any special considerations or restrictions related to the horse`s use. This may include limitations on riding or training, or requirements for specific types of equipment or training methods. It should also specify who is responsible for any damage or wear and tear to the horse or equipment resulting from use during the lease term.

In summary, an on site horse lease agreement is a critical document for anyone considering leasing a horse. It outlines the terms and conditions of the lease, as well as the responsibilities of both the lessee and the lessor. By addressing key issues such as payment, care, liability, and use restrictions, an on site horse lease agreement can help ensure a successful and mutually beneficial lease arrangement.