In the world of search engine optimization (SEO), ranking agreements are common contracts between agencies and clients. These agreements typically define the services to be provided, the timeline for completion, and the benchmarks for success. However, one term that often causes confusion is “grantor.”

So, who is the grantor in a ranking agreement?

The grantor is the party who grants permission or authority for something to happen. In the context of an SEO ranking agreement, the grantor is typically the client – the individual or organization seeking to improve their search engine rankings.

The client is the grantor because they are granting permission for the SEO agency to make changes to their website, create new content, and implement other strategies to improve their search engine visibility. The agency, in turn, is the grantee – the party who is granted permission to perform these actions.

It`s important to note that the grantor/grantee relationship can vary depending on the specifics of the agreement. In some cases, the agency may be the grantor, especially if they are providing a specific service (such as creating backlinks) that requires the client`s permission to proceed.

Ultimately, the grantor/grantee relationship is an essential aspect of any SEO ranking agreement. By clearly defining these roles and responsibilities, both parties can work together effectively towards achieving their goals. If you`re considering entering into a ranking agreement with an SEO agency, be sure to carefully review the terms of the contract and ask any questions you may have about the grantor/grantee relationship.